One of my idols and people I look up too was assassinated 45 years ago today,Way before my time and a whole different area, I still could appreciate and admire Malcolm X's courage heart.He was a strong, intelligent black man who would risk his freedom and even his life to stand for what he thought was right. I love Malcolm cuz he always said what was on his mind some times controversial but he never sugar coated. I love the movie they did about him starring Denzel Washingthon it really helped me understand him more and I even attempted to read his book "By Any Means Necessary".But reading is not my freind, so i didnt finish it. SORRY !!
Malcolm always dropped knowledge and wanted better for his people, and he kept his god in his life. He seemed like a good man and he had heart for days. Just to think about all the death threats he got over the years and all the racism he faced.But that never stopped him from going anywhere or saying what he wanted to say.It later came back to bite him, but during his time there was no one like him in my opinoun.
And for that I wanna thank Mr. Malcolm X and may you rest in peace
I wanna leave yall with a clip of Malcolm X saying a good word
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